Determining the VAT rating of specific goods and services is a full-time job for accountants, lawyers and VAT tribunals. Often, there is very little apparent logic to it and it takes days or weeks of argument to reach a conclusion and establish a legal precedent. What’s more, VAT has only become more complex as the UK’s relationship with the EU has changed.
There are also different VAT schemes available depending on how your business operates, each of which delivers its own benefits and pitfalls.
Even the basics, such as knowing when you need to register for VAT, or when you should deregister, can seem confusing. Some businesses worry about crossing the VAT threshold and so, sadly, deliberately limit the growth of their business.
We provide both advice on VAT and hands-on support. Contact us today to get started with a VAT health check.
Our cost effective service which includes…
- VAT registration
- VAT planning and administration
- Advice on VAT schemes
- VAT control and reconciliation
- VAT returns
- Negotiating VAT with HMRC
- Representing your case in VAT tribunals